Understanding the Contributor Dashboard
After logging in, the Contributor (Translator) will see the Dashboard (image below).
On the right side of the Dashboard, the Contributor can see what work level they are on. A level is a group of modules (see 'Modules,' below). After a level is completed, the next level will be unlocked.
Each project has four modules:
- Language Foundations
- Core Biblical Verses
- Writing Styles
- Assessment
Each module has a group of assignments.
There are four assignment types:
- Translate
- Edit
- Review
- Assess
Each assignment has a group of tasks to be completed.
There are four assignment statuses:
- Ready - assignment is not yet started
- In Progress - assignment is currently being worked on
- Completed - assignment has been finished. The user cannot open the assignment if it is completed
- Locked - user is not be able to open the assignment because other assignments need to be completed first
To see the assignment types within a module, click on the module. All the assignments in that module will appear.
Each assignment has a group of tasks to be completed. Click on an assignment to see the tasks assigned to you.