How to complete a Quality Rating assignment (not in Woven)

Sometimes you will be asked to complete this type of assignment. Here's how!

What is a Quality Rating Assignment? 

  • A Quality Rating assignment considers the 4 qualities of a good translation.
  • We will ask you if you think a translated passage is:
  • You will read chapters from different Bible books
  • You will be asked to provide two ratings: 
    • an overall number rating to each verse in the chapter
    • a number rating to each whole chapter for each of the 4 qualities of a good translation

Why do we have you do a Quality Rating assignment?

  • Your quality ratings will help us to see if there is an increase or decrease in the quality of the machine translations
  • We will be able to compare the quality ratings for early machine translations with quality ratings for later machine translations
  • Your quality ratings are important because they help us prove that there is improvement in the quality of the machine translation
  • Improving the quality of the machine translation is important because it will affect the overall quality of the translated material
  • Also, the better the machine translation is, the less editing will be required to produce a quality translation

Assignment View

  • Your team will receive a folder with files for each book's chapters that will be rated
  • The assignment for each book has two parts:
    • Part 1: overall rating of each verse in the chapter
    • Part 2: rating the whole chapter on each of the 4 translation qualities

Assignment Part 1

When you open a file for one book, it will look like this: 


1) Read the source text first

2) Read the translation next to it

3) Think about the four qualities of a good translation, and then give an overall rating for each verse between 1-5

  • Rating  '1' means a low, poor-quality overall translation
  • Rating  '5' means a perfect overall translation

4) Put your rating 1-5 in the yellow highlighted column next to each verse

Assignment Part 2

To go to Part 2 of the Quality Ratings Assignment, click on the tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet: 

Quality Ratings Assignment Part 2 looks like this:


1) Re-read the source text and the translation of the chapter provided in Part 1

2) Read the questions in Part 2 carefully, and then select 'Yes,' 'Somewhat,' or 'No' from the options provided

3) If you would like to provide an explanation for your rating, you can leave a note in the available space

Completing the Assignment

  • Follow the instructions for Part 1 and Part 2 for each book file provided
  • This is meant to be a team assignment
    • Read the passages together and discuss what overall rating should be given to each verse
    • Read the passages together and discuss what rating for each translation quality should be given to the whole chapter (one rating for 'Trustworthy,' one rating for 'Understandable,' etc.)

Congratulations - you now know how to complete a Quality Ratings Assignment!